cosecha connect

Connecting Producers with Harvesters

The Problem

60% of coffee producers in Ecuador lose product because they do not have enough help during harvest season.

At the same time Ecuador has over 1 million unemployed.


We are a job placement platform where producers and laborers can create profiles, connect for job offers and rate each other to generate traceability.

We also certify high rated producers in better labor practices so that they can add value to their final product.

Our Product

  • We facilitate job placement during harvest season.

  • We incentivize better labor treatment via our rating system and certification program.

  • We motivate higher laborer productivity also via our rating system.

paying it forward

A percentage of our revenue goes to our scholarship program for harvesters with high ratings and to provide agricultural education for producers.

Ready to offer a Seasonal Harvest Job?

Visit our product website for more info or click on the link below to offer a job immediately.


Combined we have two decades of experience in agriculture and technology

Rumiñahui Duchicela has worked in the coffee industry for over 10 years, specifically with producers and harvesters. He is in constant search to solve farmer needs through technology.

Mike Hardy has extensive experience in software and forming technology companies. He has the capacity to make this vision a reality.